Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to inform you that on the initiative of a group of geography professors, on 20.12.2014, Association of geography professors of Macedonia AGPM - Skopje was established.

Presidency of the Visegrad Group also known as V4. Namely, the Czech Republic starting from today a year will chair the Visegrad Group (V4), which includes, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary.

The Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia “LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” – Skopje, sponsored by the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje, once again united the geography professors, realizing another programme activity. Namely, yesterday and today field practice work was realized and more than 60 geographers attended, they are also members of AMGP "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD" - Skopje.

Long event that lacked the geography

Skopje, April 2015th
to geography professors in Macedonia

Dear colleagues,
According to the need for vocational training and professional development of geography teachers in primary and secondary schools, Association Geography Professors of Macedonia "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje, and in cooperation with the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje on 25. 04.2015 year, was organized a one-day training for geography teachers in primary and secondary schools on the theme "Application trends in contemporary teaching".