On the 56th Competition for young technicians and scientists, young contestants in the field of applied geography presented their papers and knowledge in front of the Commission of AGPM- Skopje.
On 04.04.2015, the 56th contest of young technicians and scientists was held and organized by the "National technique" - Skopje.
As a result of the cooperation between the Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia, AGPM- Skopje and "National technique"- Skopje, this year AGPM- Skopje contributed by participating in the evaluation part, delegating three members for the Commission in the competition area - Applied Geography. Part of the Commission were the following professors: Mijalce Gjorgievski, PhD, Dejan Nakovski, MSc and Juliana Petrovska, MSc.
Commencing with these activities AGPM Skopje starts to realize its statutory commitment to become an important subject in society in the country.