About the change the name of the Association of Professors of Geography ZPGM Macedonia - Skopje.
On the session of the Assembly of AGPM Skopje, held on 03.21.2015, the decision was made to change the name of the Association, by adding the name of the person. Ljube Milenkovski, PhD.
The new name is: Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD"- Skopje.
The abbreviated name of the association is: AGPM "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD"- Skopje.
Explanation of the initiative:
Due to the huge contribution to the development of geography as a science and especially geography as a subject in the curricula that can be seen from the biography of Professor Ljube Milenkovski, group members of AGPM Skopje, filed a motion to change the name of the Association: Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD"- Skopje.
Ljube Milenkovski, PhD was born in the village of Sopot on 05 the of July 1937. After completing primary education and The Teaching school he was teaching in villages Lukovica, Zirovnica and his home village Sopot. Then he worked as a teacher in High School "Brothers Miladinovci" in Skopje, director of the school "Kuzman Shapkarev" advisor and an inspector in the institution for schooling of the republic of Macedonia. He continues his career as a professor and director of the Pedagogical Academy "Kliment Ohridski" in Skopje. He worked at the Institute of Seismology of the PMF in Skopje. His life span was finalized as a professor at the Institute of Geography at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
He devoted his entire life to education about which he used to say that is a craft that needs to be leart", he was and remains one of the largest educational publishers in Macedonia.
Based on the above, we consider that it is an honor to be a member of an Association whose name will be "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD"
Skopje, 04.22.2015 year
Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia
Juliana Petrovska, MSc