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365 - Crete Earthquake followed by tsunami around the Eastern Mediterranean allegedly destroys Alexandria
1595 - Alvara Mendana discovers Marquesas Island
1904 - After 13 years, the 4,607-mile Trans-Siberian railway is completed
1919 - Anthony Fokker's establishes airplane factory at Hamburg & Amsterdam
1961 - Launch of Mercury 4 (Liberty Bell) with Grissom
1969 - Neil Armstrong steps on Moon at 2:56:15 AM (GMT)
1983 - The world's lowest temperature in an inhabited location is recorded at Vostok Station, Antarctica at −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F).
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1595 - Astronomer Johannes Kepler has an epiphany and develops his theory of the geometrical basis of the universe
1843 - Brunel's steamship the SS Great Britain is launched, becoming the first ocean-going craft with an iron hull or screw propeller and also becoming the largest vessel afloat in the world.
1912 - A meteorite of estimated 190kg mass explodes over Holbrook in Navajo County, Arizona, causing approximately 16,000 pieces of debris to rain down on the town.
1930 - Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Laurence McKinley Gould, and their polar expedition team return to the United States following the first exploration of the interior of Antarctica
1969 - Apollo 11 goes into Moon orbit
1976 - Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal is created.
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1743 - 1st half-page newspaper ad is published (NY Weekly Journal)
1830 - Uruguay adopted a liberal constitution. URUGUAY CONSTITUTION DAY.
1931 - 1st air-conditioned ship (Mariposa) launched
1942 - Test flight of German Messerschmitt Me-262 using only its jet engines for the first time.
1955 - 280 mm rain in Martinstown, Dorset (UK-record)
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1762 - Catherine II becomes tsarina of Russia upon the murder of Peter III
1774 - Captain Cook arrives in the New Hebrides (Vanuatu)
1850 - Harvard Observatory takes 1st photograph of a star (Vega)
1897 - 1st ship arrives in Seattle carrying gold from Yukon
1959 - Paleoanthropologist Mary Leakey discovers the partial skull of a new species of early human ancestor, Zinjanthropus boisei or 'Zinj' (now called Paranthropus boisei) that lived in Africa almost 2 million years ago
1976 - Indonesian president Suharto annexes East Timor
1984 - Soyuz T-12 carries 3 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 7
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622 - Muslim Era begins - Muhammad begins flight from Mecca to Medina (Hijra)
1054 - Three Roman legates fracture relations between Western and Eastern Christian churches by placing invalid Papal Bull of Excommunication on altar of Hagia Sophia during Saturday afternoon divine liturgy. Often dated as start of the East-West Schism.
1548 - La Paz, Bolivia is founded
1661 - 1st banknotes in Europe are issued by Bank of Stockholm
1945 - 1st test detonation of an atomic bomb, Trinity Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico as part of the US Manhatten Project
1963 - Amazon river carries 190,000 m3/sec of water (record)
1965 - Mount Blanc Road tunnel between France & Italy opens
1969 - Apollo 11, carrying 1st men to land on Moon, launched
1994 - 1st parts of Comet Shoemaker-Levy hits Jupiter (until July 22nd)