1776 - Congress officially renames the country as the United States of America (Was the United Colonies)
1791 – Washington, D.C., the capitol of the United States, is named after President George Washington.
1850 - California is admitted as the thirty-first U.S. state
1850 - Territories of New Mexico & Utah created
1867 - Luxembourg gains independence
1948 – North Korea gains independence
1959 – Niko Nestor is the first Macedonian who has swam across the La Manche.
1969 – The legend of Macedonian woman swimming, Atina Bojadzi, becomes the first woman who has swam across the La Manche in a 13 hours & 20 minutes.
1991 – Tajikistan gains independence from USSR

1553 - City of Lichfield, England forms
1833 - Charles Darwin departs to Buenos Aires
1900 - 6,000 killed when a hurricane & tidal wave strikes Galveston, Texas
1965 - Hurricane Betsy kills 75 in Louisiana & Florida
1967 - Uganda abolishes traditional tribal kingdoms, becomes a republic
1983 - NASA launches RCA-6

1251 BC - A solar eclipse on this date might mark the birth of legendary Heracles at Thebes, Greece.
1497 - Sailor Perkin Warbeck becomes English King Richard IV
1822 - Pedro I, son of King Joao VI declares Brazil's independence from Portugal (National Day)
1923 - Interpol forms in Vienna
1992 - Belarus recognizes the Republic of Macedonia, and also adopted a decision to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries.
1993 - In Skopje was put into operation international telecommunication connection between Macedonia and Bulgaria, Skopje-Sofia.

3114 BC - Date Maya/Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar starts dating from (as corresponds to the Julian Calendar).
1492 - Columbus' fleet leaves Gomera, Canary islands
1522 - Victoria, the only surviving ship of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition, returns to Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Spain, becoming the first ship to circumnavigate the world.
1776 - Hurricane hits Martinique; 100 French & Dutch ships sinks; 600 die
1776 - Hurricane hits Guadeloupe, killing more than 6,000.
1968 - Swaziland gains independence from Britain (National Day)

1844 - Iron ore discovered in Minnesota's Mesabi Mountains
1900 - France proclaims a protectorate over Chad
1977 – Voyager 1 (US) launched toward fly-by of Jupiter, Saturn.
1980 - World's longest road tunnel, St Gotthard in Swiss Alps, opens
1986 - NASA awards study contracts to 5 aerospace firms
1986 - NASA launches DOD-1