1459 – Martin Behaim, German navigator and geographer was born.
1876 - American Library Association is founded.
1908 - Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina, sparking a crisis.
1959 - Soviet Luna 3, 1st successful photographic spacecraft, impacts Moon
1987 – Fiji becomes a republic.

1550 - Foundation of Concepción, city in Chile.
1665 - The University of Kiel is founded.
1864 - Indian city of Calcutta is almost totally destroyed by a cyclone; 60,000 die.
1857 - The City of Anaheim was founded.
World Teacher's Day
World Habitat Day

1824 - Mexico becomes a republic.
1830 - Creation of the Kingdom of Belgium after separation from the Netherlands.
1880 - University of California founded in Los Angeles
1910 - Portugal becomes a republic, King Manuel II flees to England
1927 - Gutzon Borglum begins sculpting Mt. Rushmore.
1957 - USSR launches Sputnik I, 1st artificial Earth satellite
1966 - Lesotho Independence Day
Teacher's day in Ukraine
World Animal Day

1778 - Captain Cook anchors at Alaska
1932 - Iraq gains full independence from Britain, joins League of Nations
1942 - Launch of 1st A-4/V-2 rocket to altitude of 53 miles (85 km). The first successful launch of a V-2 / A4-rocket from Test Stand VII at Peenemünde, Germany. It is the first man-made object to reach space.
1947 - 1st telescope lens 200" (508 cm) in diameter completed
1985 - Space Shuttle Atlantis (Mission STS-51-J) makes its maiden flight.

1990 - Re-unification of Germany: the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) ceases to exist and its territory becomes part of the Federal Republic of Germany. German Unity Day

1778 – Капетан Кук се усидрува на Алјаска.
1932 – Ирак добива целосна независност од Британија и се приклучува во Лигата на нациите.
1942 – Прво успешно лансирање на V-2 / A4-rocket од Test Stand VII кај Peenemünde, Germany. Првиот објект направен од човекот кој стигнува во вселената.
1947 – Комплетирана е првата телескопска леќа со дијаметар 200" (508 cm).
1985 – Вселенското летало Atlantis (Mission STS-51-J) го прави својот прв лет.
1990 – Реобединување на Германија, Демократска република Германија (Источна Германија) станува дел од Сојузна република Германија. (Ден на обединување на Германија)