1806 - Cape of Good Hope enters within the UK.
1861 - Georgia became the fifth country that separates from USA.
1899 - Sudan became a condominium of Britain and Egypt.
1994 - -36°F (-38°C) in New Whiteland, Indiana (state record)
2006 - The New Horizons probe is launched by NASA on the first mission to Pluto.

1535 - Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro founded Lima, the capital of Peru.
1733 - 1st polar bear exhibited in America (Boston)
1778 - British Captain James Cook and his crew become the first Europeans to to discover the Hawaiian Islands, which he names the "Sandwich Islands".
2005 - Airbus A380, the world's largest commercial jet, is unveiled at a ceremony in Toulouse, France.
2007 - Hurricane Kyrill causes at least 44 deaths across 20 countries in Western Europe.

1524 - Beginning of Giovanni da Verrazzano's voyage to find a passage to China.
1601 – Capital of Spain moved from Madrid to Valladolid.
1773 - British Captain James Cook and his crew become the first Europeans to sail below the Antarctic Circle.
1912 – Captain Robert Scot's expedition reach the South Pole, one month after Norwegian expedition of Roald Amundsen.
1995 - A catastrophic earthquake shakes the city of Kobe, Japan, causing huge material damage and killing 6433 people.

1362 - A great storm tide in the North Sea destroys the German island of Strand and the city of Rungholt.
1493 - Columbus leaves the new world and sets sail for Spain on his 1st trip
1900 - The United States Senate accepts the Anglo-German treaty of 1899 in which the United Kingdom renounces its claims to the Samoan islands.
1909 - British explorers David, Mawson & Mackay reach south magnetic pole as part of the Nimrod Expedition
1927 - Починал Јован Цвииќ — српски географ и претседател на Српската академија на науките и уметностите.

1493 - Christopher Columbus sets sail for Spain from Hispaniola, ending his first voyage to the New World.
1582 - Russia cedes Livonia & Estonia to Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, loses access to Baltic
1759 - British Museum opens in Montague House, London
1777 - People of New Connecticut (Vermont) declare independence from England
1895 - French fleet reaches Majunga, Madagascar
1934 - 8.4 earthquake in India/Nepal, 10,700 die
1962 - The Derveni papyrus, Europe's oldest surviving manuscript dating to 340 BC, is found in northern Greece.
1992 - Bulgaria recognizes Macedonia
2005 - ESA's SMART-1 lunar orbiter discovers elements such as calcium, aluminum, silicon, iron, and other surface elements on the moon.