On May 5, 2018, in the crowded amphitheater of the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje, the 6th session of the Assembly of the Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "PROF. LJUBE MILENKOVSKI PHD "- SKOPJE.

The session was opened and led by the President of the Association, Ms. Julijana Petrovska, who spoke about the activities of the Association in 2017 as well as the projections in the following period.

Apart from the President's address, there address have also the Pro-Rector for teaching of UTMS, Prof. Mijalce Gjorgievski PhD, Honorary Guest, HE Danijela Barisic, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of Macedonia, Prof. Sime Arsenovski, PhD., full time professor at UTMS, geography advisor at the BDE of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Ivica Gievski, as well as Damjan Nikolovski, President of the Association for Dyslexia "Einstein".

In the function of building collaborative educational networks, as the special guest on the session was the most popular professor in the Balkans, Dejan Nemcic, from the Republic of Croatia, which held an application on the subject: "Education in the 21st Century - as a lesson in geography, we merged with the people from all continents." The ingenious geography professor enriches his lectures by applying technology and digital tools and skilfully transmitting experiences from around the world to the lecture rooms.

At the end of his presentation, he announced his way into space, and having in mind that he is an honorary member, he is part of our big family, that means that AMGP "PROF. LJUBE MILENKOVSKI "- SKOPJE will be part of the crew.

The session of the Assembly was only a crown to the two-day activities of the Association, because the day before that, on May 4, 2018, in the classroom of our colleague Beti S. Trajkovska at the high school "Orce Nikolov" - Skopje, Dejan Nemcic, began with a series of lectures for the students and the professors. In that context, on May 5, 2018, before the very beginning in the amphitheater of UTMS, more than 180 students from the primary and the high schools from Macedonia traveled virtually around the streets of Zagreb.

Meanwhile, waiting for the Flight Day in Space, with the help of AMGP "PROF. LJUBE MILENKOVSKI "- SKOPJE, colleague Nemcic, realized his dream and visited the tomb of his idol Tose Proeski.

On the sidelines of the session, the participants of the seminar were given certificates for the participation.