At the 59th regional competition of young technicians, the young competitors in the area of applied geography and astronomy presented their papers and knowledge in front of a three-member committee members of the Association of Professors in Geography in Macedonia "PROF. DR LJUBE MILENKOVSKI "- Skopje".

The 59th regional competition of young technicians took place on March 31, 2018 and was organized by Narodna tehnika - Skopje.
Based on the cooperation agreement, this year the Association of Geography teachers in Macedonia "PROF. D.LJUBE MILENKOVSKI "- Skopje" contributed to the realization of these traditional competitions by participating in the assessment part. In the function of the assessment committee, Assoc. Dr. Dejan Nakovski, Beti S. Trajkoska and Valentina Fidanovska, assessed the work of young competitors in the field of applied geography. For assessment of the papers and presentations of the competitors in the field of astronomy, commission members were Marina Stojmirova, Cvetanka Djergjievska and Ljupco Velkovski.
With these activities the Association of Teachers of Geography in Macedonia "PROF. DR LJUBE MILENKOVSKI "- Skopje", continues its realization by cooperating with other associations and institutions with mutual interest in the field of human rights.