Magnificent gathering of a large family of people who love geography and people who respect themselves, their colleagues and their profession.
In the words of Juliana Petrovska MSc: "the day when we celebrate the awakening of the nature vegetation and life in general, geography is a special day," began working the 5th Session of the assembly of the Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia "Prof. Ljube Milenkovski"- Skopje.
With Mass attendance of the members and enthusiasts in geography, in the crowded amphitheater of the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje, the 5th Session of assembly, which once again through the agenda that was set, confirm clearly set time you should and moving one of the largest and most active associations acting on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia "Prof. Ljube Milenkovski"- Skopje
To more than 150 present Juliana Petrovska MSc, president of Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia "Prof. Ljube Milenkovski"- Skopje, with a welcoming speech addressed and noted that created a big family of people who not only love the geography, but a family of people who respect themselves, their colleagues and their profession. As she mentioned Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia "Prof. Ljube Milenkovski"- Skopje, now a pillar of the reunion because I had a vision, energy and desire to realize a long-awaited dream and need of every geographer. Day by day, with all the activities and presence in the public, proving that the mission of the Association with its socially responsible, organized and dedicated approach, constantly strengthens its reputation and professors of geography in the overall educational and cultural life of the country.
The motive, energy and commitment are synonymous Association, which advocated our patron Professor. Ljube Milenkovski.
Speech by the President of Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia "Prof. Ljube Milenkovski"- Skopje, Juliana Petrovska MSc.
In his welcoming speech, despite the adoption of the Report and the Work Program for the next year to the attending addressed the prominent university professors, eminent experts from the field and representatives of the diplomatic corps.
A special feature of the Parliament gave the lecture of H.E Dr. Istvan Laszlo Duks, Ambassador of Hungary in the Republic of Macedonia, on "World Heritage UNESKO in Hungary", followed declare him an honorary member of the association.
Lecture by H.E Dr. Istvan Laszlo Duks, Ambassador of Hungary in Macedonia
Announcing the H.E Dr. Istvan Laszlo Duks honorary member of AGPM "Prof. Ljube Milenkovski PhD"- Skopje
Even without speech, with its presence, maximum support and contribution to the work of the Assembly gave Mr Martin Bezak, Ambassador of Slovakia in the country and also honorary member of our association.
For didactic-methodological guidelines for organizing the teaching of geography at the session spoke Mr. Ivica Gievski, counselor BDE Macedonia. The first geographer of the country noted that teacher professional development is not terminated by graduation, but should constantly be upgraded by following the modern educational practices and processes.
Address by Mr. Ivica Gievski, counselor BDE Macedonia
On it, with critical acclaim and was followed by Prof. Zoran Ivanovic PhD, professor at the Faculty of Management in Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija and PROFESSOR HONORIS CAUSA at UTMS.
Address by Prof. Zoran Ivanovic PhD, professor at the Faculty of Management in Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija and PROFESSOR HONORIS CAUSA UTMS
The theme: Education for sustainable development, its focus was Assoc. Prof Blagica Novkovska, which sparked interest among the participants who had the opportunity to learn about the importance of sustainable development through comparative analysis of countries in Europe.
With respect to his colleagues, dedication and love of geography and modern trends in education, his address had Prof Ace Milenkovski PhD, Rector of the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje.
Address by Prof Ace Milenkovski PhD, Rector of UTMS
Especially emotional and highly memorable moment was part of the session when, back on him, on behalf of grantees UTMS and gratitude spoke Ms. Sladjana Trpkovska, a professor in the the Secondary School "Lazar Tanev" in Skopje.
The agenda for the day after the Occasional cocktail, continue with one-day seminar entitled: "Planning and application of ICT in the teaching of geography in the function of formative assessment of students", which main objective was the adoption of new knowledge, exchange of experience and implementation positive practices recognized in developed countries in Europe and the world, which in fact is the primary task of our actions.
Seminar: "Planning and application of ICT in the teaching of geography in the function of formative assessment of students
For successful completion of the seminar, the maximum contribution, adviser geography, Mr. Ivica Gievski, Ms. LiljanaVojneski, professor at the high school "Georgi Dimitrov" in Skopje and of course impeccable workshop wasmade by Mr. Mite Ristov professor of geography at the gymnasium "Josip Broz Tito" - Bitola and Daniela Ristova-, professor of geography at the "Gorgji Sugare" in Bitola.
By the awarding with certificates completed this very challenging, yet creative and successful passing day of the members of the Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia "Prof. Ljube Milenkovski"- Skopje.
The survey which was conducted among the participants showed that this was truly successful and unique way to end a full day for each geography.
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