Long event that lacked the geography

Third Session of the Assembly of the Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje
Training "Application trends in modern teaching"
Geographical evening
On Saturday, 04/25/2015 at the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje, organized by the Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD”- Skopje, in cooperation with the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje were organized several activities for the whole geography of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, which were crowned with geographic night and hanging out in the restaurant Walnut's shadow.
The working part of the day was held the Third Session of the Assembly of the Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje, and training on topics in the field of management teachers, entitled "
Application trends in contemporary teaching' ' Saturday event activities were too often lacking in Geography, an event that united all and more reaffirmed the need for this type of association and method of operation. Saturday's activities were event, which restore the dignity of teachers of geography as befitting the way they deserve it.

Held the Third Session of the Assembly of the Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje

On 04.25.2015, starting at 11:00 pm in the amphitheatre of UTMS Third Session of the Assembly of the Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje.

In the packed hall with a total of 157 participants from all cities, the session is opened and led Mr. Juliana Petrovska, president of the Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje.

She, in his welcoming speech, addressed the need for establishment of the association - the prospects and opportunities for development for teachers of geography by participating in activities of the association. In addition, she pointed out that the vision of AMPG "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje, is developed, modern and advanced educational centre of a geography professor from the country in which the progress of geography will be a primary goal. Our vision is recognized in the country, and international connectivity with the same or similar Associations. On this occasion, was sent greetings to the American Association of Geographers (Association of American Geographers), which from 21 to 25 April in Chicago held its regular meeting.

Before members of Parliament a presentation had eminent professors in the field of geographic practice, Gjorgji Pavlovski, PhD, Mijalce Gjorgievski, PhD, Ace Milenkovski PhD, Zoran Ivanovic and professor Ivica Gievski. Gjorgji Pavlovski, PhD, spoke about the importance and necessity of field instruction in the teaching of geography in the present-day program for teaching practicum as the next activity of the association. The geography and its role in all segments of society, their thoughts a Mijalce Georgievski, PhD, who noted that no geography can not think about studying any other area. In addition to modern teaching practices and measurement of knowledge, as the only way of approaching the Macedonian education to educational standards developed countries in the world, held a lecture Zoran Ivanovic, PhD, a professor at the University of Rijeka. Ace Milenkovski, PhD, Rector of the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje, had comprehensive presentation on the topic: Implementation of modern methodology in teaching at all levels of education starting from primary, secondary, to higher education following the UTMS.

The situation in education in terms of geography in our country spoke Ivica Gievski, BED Advisor of the Republic of Macedonia. Numerous speakers reported on the session, reaffirmed the need for this kind of association and thus opened many issues that touch the issue of geographical practice as teaching category. Emerged from the meeting a number of suggestions and ideas for further action of the association. Hours fruitful discussion at the session of the Assembly, concluded that: the Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD"- Skopje justify its existence, and achieving the objectives of the program will be a motive to work with even more dynamic intensity of all members of the association.

Successfully completed training of geographers from primary and secondary schools.

One of the program goals of the Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD"- Skopje is organizing trainings that will be education teachers to acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies that will be of immediate benefit with regard to teaching and extracurricular activities. To this end, on Saturday, 25.04.2015 in the premises of UTMS was conducted one day training on "Application trends in contemporary teaching". Participants had the opportunity to learn about new standards and gain skills through which teacher should reach the level of a good leader, manager and presenter, as preconditions for a successful lesson. The training organized by AMPG "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje, was organized by the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje. For participation in the training, certificates got 126 participants, professors of geography of the country. The quality of training and certificate that got participants assessed very highly and expressed great pleasure. After awarding the certificates, Saturday work activities were crowned hanging geographic evening in the restaurant Walnut's shadow, where geographers have shown that this is the right way for their mutual understanding and friendship which is also very important in their work in terms of sharing of personal knowledge and experience.

Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje
Juliana Petrovska, MSc