The Slovak Republic is a country located in central Europe with an area of 49.000 km2. Slovakia is a member state of the European Union, NATO, UN, OECD, WTO, Visegrad Group and others.
Political map of Slovakia
It borders the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south. The largest city in the country is its capital, the city of Bratislava. The second largest city is Košice.
During the long history, various parts of today's Slovakia belonged to the Kingdom of the Just, Principality of Nitra, the Kingdom of Hungary, Austria-Hungary or Hapsburg Monarchy and Czechoslovakia. Independent Slovak state briefly existed during the Second World War, from 1939-1945, after which again became part of Czechoslovakia.
Today the Slovak Republic became independent on January 1, 1993 with the breakup of Czechoslovakia. Today it is a highly developed country with a strong economy, one of najrastechkite EU after its accession in 2004.
Old Bratislava
Slovakia today has a population of about five million people, while its territory was inhabited since the Paleolithic time. The territories of present-day Slovakia in the 5th century were inhabited by Slavs that its golden age and she had at the time of Prince Rostislav I.
Slovakia for its relief is mountainous, dominated by mountain ranges of the Western Carpathians as part of the Alpine-x imalaite system and extending the northern part of the state. As part of these mountains is the Tatra mountains. Highest point of Slovakia is Gerlahovski Shield with a height of 2.655 meters the highest mountain KrivanjSo predominantly continental climate, its largest rivers: the Danube, Vah and Hron. Tisza with its flow through Slovakia length of 5 km, marks the Slovak-Hungarian border.
Meander River Fatra
National park "Slovak paradise"
Slovakia is a parliamentary democratic republic with a multiparty system of government. The highest legislative body of the Slovak National Council of the Slovak Republic 150 seats. Members are elected for a term of four years. The highest court in Slovakia's Constitutional Court of Slovakia.
In the history of Slovaks are named as "mountain people" who for the first time as a nation mentioned in the 19th century. Most of the population of Slovakia are ethnic Slovaks who account for 85.8%, followed by Hungarians and Roma, Ukrainians and others. The official language in Slovakia is Slovak. After his confession, the population of Slovakia is Catholic.
Slovak folklore
In Slovakia, compulsory primary education for children from 6-15 years of age. Illiteracy of the population is about 0.6% of the population over 15 years of age. There are state, church and private schools. Teaching besides Slovak also be conducted in the languages of several ethnic minorities. All levels of education, including higher, are free. In Slovakia, there are several dozens of colleges and universities. Among the best universities and colleges within the region of Eastern Europe, in Slovakia: Bratislava University, Technical University of Kosice Technical University in Bratislava, University of Agriculture and other
University of Bratislava
University in Koshice
Aneta Chakovska